Thursday, May 6, 2010

House Rules leave me wanting more.........

Dear Jodi,

Why do you insist on writing compelling stories and stickin' us with these flat endings?! Yes. I am fully aware that life doesn't always provide closure, and that life doesn't have peachy keen endings; THIS IS WHY I READ FICTION!!! I am starting to rethink picking up another Picoult read... please HELP... make me read something that leaves me fulfilled!!


Chatty Cathy

OK... while House Rules deals with a young man who follows rules to a "T," I broke my regular rules of only reading on the Train and found myself reading a few pages here and there while at home. Needless to say, my husband wasn't pleased to see me reading a page here and a page there; especially when I would read while he was talking to me. Oops!

House Rules is a well written book. The story is so believable; Jodi has really done her research. I wasn't just amazed by Jacob (the young man with Asperger's) perspective, but it is amazing to read this story from the perspective of those around him. Life isn't easy. His mom doesn't want pity and she doesn't seem to want to change Jacob for the world. His younger brother Theo (which is a name I LOVE!), doesn't sugarcoat his perspective either. I like that he has bad thoughts about his brother. I found the story to be very realistic.

If and when you read this one... do me a favour? Tell me if you liked the book and whether or not you found that the ending was appropriate? Fulfilling? Satisfying? OK for you? And... for the Jodi Picoult groupies who think all her books are the best thing since sliced bread - I dare you... recommend a book that isn't super depressing and has a great ending!

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